Looks Unfamiliar is a podcast in which writer and occasional broadcaster Tim Worthington talks to a guest about some of the things that they remember that nobody else ever seems to.

This is a collection of highlights from Looks Unfamiliar featuring Gabby Hutchinson Crouch on Mr. Men Songs, Hilary Machell on Enamel Bedroom Door Name Plates, Juliet Brando on The Telebugs, Bibi Lynch on You Just Might See Me Cry by Our Kid, Tim Worthington on Bad Ronald, Mic Wright on Sharky And George and Grace Dent on The Max Headroom Broadcast Signal Intrusion Incident as well as some extra chat with Tim about about Something Outa Nothing by Letitia Dean And Paul J. Medford and Karen Gillan's The Hoarding. Along the way we'll be scientifically evaluating the Mr. Tickle Event Horizon, playing with the official Amanda Holden Slinky, trying to figure out the logic behind posting on the Internet to say there’s nothing on the Internet about Sharky And George and trying our hardest to repel a shower of ‘refreshed’ Granada announcers and the Test Card Clown – but no Test Card Girl. Plus there's also some additional chat with Gabby on Spider-Man: No Way Home, Mic on the X-Men animated series and Tim on Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings and a couple of extras you may not have heard - Tim on Good Morning Scotland talking about the proposed Grange Hill film and on Goon Pod chatting about what it was like to see A Hard Day's Night on the big screen...

You can find more editions of Looks Unfamiliar at

If you enjoy Looks Unfamiliar, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. Do ask someone to keep an eye on The Beatles if you have to go to the buffet car for one, though. They'll be up to all kinds.


Looks Unfamiliar is a podcast in which writer and occasional broadcaster Tim Worthington talks to a guest about some of the things that they remember that nobody else ever seems to.

Joining Tim this time is writer and artist Juliet Brando, who’s trying not to get anyone expelled courtesy of hazy recollections of GideonEscaping by Asia Blue, The Cuckoo SisterThe Telebugs, Slapwrist Bracelets, Tottie: The Story Of A Doll's House and Tab Clear. Along the way we’ll be finding out which crimes are worthy of incarceration in Doll Alcatraz, evaluating which Roxette single will most impress your teenage crush, discussing how to react if you suddenly hear your voice in the background of a bleak American drama series and debating whether a school trip ever actually happened if nobody randomly fell into an oxbow lake.

You can find more editions of Looks Unfamiliar at

If you enjoy Looks Unfamiliar, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. Unless they still have any Tab Clear in that discount store.