A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Actually it was last week in Kilburn. Scott Capurro and Ed Kear join Alex and Talal on The LIL Show. We chat to Scott about how he made it ok to be gay in San Fransisco (not entirely true), when he learned Huttese for "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" (he didn't) and what it was like to improvise with Robin Williams on the set of "Mrs. Doubtfire" (that one's true!). Ed Kear reveals his methods of the craft as he describes the development of his character for a gripping scene with Jason Statham in the movie "Spy". He also shares with us a deleted scene from the movie as well as his new YouTube series "Blowing the Budget". We also sing a blues about ISIS and shaved testicles, Scott gets imperial on Simon Trilby's ass in "Epic Saga", "Movies! Movies! Movies!" goes to the Moon and far too much is exposed about Talal's personal life.

Enjoy xx

Co-Host: Alex Sievewright Host: Talal Karkouti

The LIL Show can be heard LIVE every Friday at 6pm GMT on k2kradio.com and on K2K Radio's channel on the TuneIn app.