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Welcome to episode ONE HUNDRED of The All Seeing Guys with Greg & Joe! We have reached a huge milestone. Every two weeks without fail for 100 episodes we have been talking our dumb sh*t and we are thankful to those who have joined us for the ride. 

We are desperado guzzling this episode and hyped to be celebrating our milestone, we reflect on the changes to podcasting, to our lives and tip our hats to the awesome people we have met since starting the show, there's a bumper edition of Geezedropping with plenty you listeners sent in, we talk kebabs in America & share stories and audio clips you wonderful people sent us. 

Then we crack open the rum, chicken wings and hot sauce.We work our way up through the hot sauces while asking one another a series of questions compiled from various lists from the internet with the aim of inspiring conversation & funny stories. 

We wrap up with a new song from the Dicerollers umbrella as Joe drops a solo track. It's a fun, fast paced episode with much more madness along the way.